
StarShipSofa Nominated for a HUGO second year in a row!



I am proud to announce that the StarShipSofa Podcast has been nominated again for a HUGO Award!

StarShipSofa wins a HUGO!

undefinedOver in Melbourne, Australia the winners of the esteemed HUGO Awards were just announced and I am very pleased to say the StarShipSofa has won. The first podcast in the history of the HUGO's to ever be nominated and ever to win!

I have contributed artwork to the 'sofa' on many occasions over this last year and feel a minute piece of that rocket statue was earned by me. Just a fragment of a grain of it mind you. Congratulations to Tony C. Smith, to everyone that has contributed over the years and of course to all those who voted and listened.

You can visit StarShipSofa at or download free shows on itunes.

You can see my StarShipSofa Contibutions here.

StarShipSofa nominated for HUGO

Just a quick and very happy note to say was nominated for a Hugo award in the BEST FANZINE category. I had the honour of doing a cover painting for issue 122 and I am not to proud to say I feel like I got nominated as well! Can't wait to finish the next  one.

Congrats to Tony C. Smith for creating such a fantastic vehicle!




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